An unarranged marriage

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An Unarranged marriage

We have surely heard about arranged marriage and love marriage in India where parents and other family member choose a partner for a girl or boy if it’s an arranged marriage set up, in love marriage, generally girl and boy fall in love and later decide to marry. 

If we talk about arranged marriage, it’s a totally different feeling when two strangers meet, know about each other in a few meetings and decide to get married. Here, one emotional click is enough to make such a big decision in life, that’s MARRIAGE.

This story is about the same feeling which we spoke before,

There are two characters  in the story, Mayank sharma and Maya sharma, their families are deciding to meet each other. Mayank and maya before meeting scrolls through their facebook profile and guess what? At the same time,mayank sharma sends you a friend request, Maya gets a notification on her phone. Without giving a single thought she accepted it.

Then texting begins,

Mayank: Hi

Maya: Hi

Mayank: where are you from?

Maya: Mumbai, and you?

Mayank: I am from Dehradun

Maya: Wow, such a beautiful place, but I am not sure whether I can stay there permanently.

Mayank: The place is indeed must visit and decide for yourself

Maya: yeah i will once.

After few days

Mayank: hi r u busy?

Maya: no.. what happened?

Mayank: Would you mind sharing your number so that we can talk over the phone?

Maya: 😀

Mayank: Can we ?

Maya: Maybe later.

Mayank: ok here is my contact call me if u feel so.

But maya keeps wondering, how can I decide to marry in one meeting? My parents never understood me. How can I live in dehradun? Mumbai is always a better city, as per photographs he is  good looking but is he a good person? All such thoughts were running in her mind.

Mayanks parents met maya in mumbai at home.Maya cooked so many dishes for them. Everything went smooth and easy now the next step was the meeting of Maya’s parents with Mayank

They went to Dehradun and took Maya along with them. She wore a beautiful dress and deep inside she was wondering if I am going to treat this as a holiday.Maya and Mayank met each other. Mayank noticed that she is a bit nervous and overthinking a lot so, he took her to the nearest Pani puri stall and offered her panipuri that brought a smile on her face. Suddenly,  He said, its yes from me. I want to marry you. Do you know how it feels when you are lost and then you find your way….? Well that’s how I am feeling now.. 

Maya smiled and that said everything.

Maya now permanently stays in Dehradun😀

Now what has happened here? Their parents asked them to meet, but before  going to meet she wore a beautiful red dress, why? Because through her social media profile she got to know that mayanks favourite color is red . Mayank took her to panipuri stall and not to any fancy restaurant or cafe because he found out that Pani puri is her all time favourite food. Maya took the effort to cook for his parents too.

These small gestures speak volume, this is an emotional click.

This is unarranged marriage for me in which such small acts are not arranged by anyone but it is discovered by own efforts

Moral of the story:

“Little things aren’t little”. Relationships require nothing much to grow, your little effort, care and affection will do wonders for you.

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